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Is That Spot on Your Foot a Plantar Wart?

Is That Spot on Your Foot a Plantar Wart?

Do you have a rough spot on the ball of your foot that looks like a callus and hurts when you walk? That spot on your foot is probably a plantar wart, not a callus.

Plantar warts are a common foot problem caused by a virus. The spot may go away on its own, but if it causes discomfort, our skilled podiatrist, Dr. Richard Hochman, can help at our Coral Gables, Florida, office.

In this month’s blog, we want to talk about plantar warts, what they look like, and when to seek expert help for that spot on your foot.

That spot on your foot

A spot on your foot could mean anything. The location and appearance of the spot can help pinpoint the cause. 

Plantar warts are found on the sole of the foot and cause a callus-like patch that may have a tiny black dot in the center. You may have one spot or a cluster of spots.

But plantar warts aren’t the only conditions that cause spots on the foot. If the spot is itchy and red, you may have a fungal infection or a skin condition like eczema. A painful red bump at the joint of the big toe is usually a bunion, a type of foot deformity.

Any abnormal spot (red, pearly, or brown) found on the top of the foot is a possible sign of skin cancer. Have your primary care doctor check out any type of abnormal skin lesion right away.

How did I get warts?

Plantar warts occur when your skin comes in contact with strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a very common, highly contagious virus you get when you touch a surface contaminated with the virus, like walking barefoot in a public place.

Anyone can get plantar warts, and they’re not all that much different from common warts.

The difference between plantar warts and other warts is how they grow. Because of the pressure placed on the sole of the feet when walking, plantar warts grow inward, creating the callus-like spot. Other warts grow outward, causing a raised, bumpy growth on the skin.

Treatment for plantar warts

A plantar wart can go away without treatment, but it can take up to two years for your immune system to build a defense mechanism to destroy the virus. If the spot on your foot continues to grow or causes pain, it’s time to see us.

We also recommend coming in for an evaluation if you have a spot on your foot and have diabetes or a circulation problem. Any foot problem for people with diabetes or poor circulation can turn into a serious condition when left untreated. 

We can take a look at your foot and determine how to get rid of the painful spot. Treatment for plantar warts include:

Plantar warts are harmless, but you don’t have to suffer through the pain they cause. If you think that spot on your foot is a plantar wart, we can help.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Hochman at our office in Coral Gables, Florida, in the greater Miami area by calling us today or requesting an appointment online.

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