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Bunion Surgery

Katz Regenerative Foot and Ankle

Podiatry & Alternative Medicine located in Miami, Coral Gables, FL

If you have bunions, you’ve likely been searching for lasting relief to make your foot look and feel good again. That’s where the board-certified expertise of Katz Regenerative Foot & Ankle, LLC comes in. Their office in Coral Gables, Florida, offers a state-of-the-art treatment called LAPIPLASTY® to permanently correct your bunion. Find out how by calling or scheduling a consultation online today.

Bunion Surgery Q & A

What are bunions?

A bunion is a painful “bump” that develops on the side of your big toe. A bunion is caused by an unstable joint in the middle of your foot that makes your toe angle sideways.

Bunions are a progressive condition. Over time, pressure on the joint of your big toe joint causes the big toe to lean toward the second toe. This eventually changes the normal structure of your toe, making a bunion bump.

With bunions, it can feel painful to wear shoes or walk. An advanced bunion can greatly alter your foot’s appearance. In severe cases, your big toe might be slanted over or under your second toe.

Bunions don’t heal on their own. Left untreated, bunions will only get worse, causing increased pain and discomfort. In some cases, bunion surgery can help return you to optimal health.

What are the symptoms of bunions?

Besides a bump on your foot, bunions may also cause:

  • Redness and inflammation
  • Tenderness and pain
  • Tough skin on the bottom of your foot
  • A corn or callus on the bunion bump
  • Limited motion of your big toe that may hinder walking

How are bunions diagnosed?

Dr. Katz typically can detect a bunion with a physical exam. He may also recommend an imaging test, such as an x-ray, to check the alignment of your toes and look for joint damage.

How are bunions treated?

Depending on the severity of your bunion, Dr. Katz may recommend bunion surgery. Your options include an Austin bunionectomy, which involves cutting and realigning the bone to remove the bunion. Another option is an advanced therapy called Incore Lapidus System. This procedure corrects the underlying cause of your bunion, making it less likely to return.

Historically, some doctors treated bunions by shaving off the excess bone. This type of procedure temporarily made your foot look better, but didn’t fix the underlying problem. The Incore Lapidus System procedure permanently corrects the bunion. The treatment uses a new technology that secures the unstable joint in the correct position without cutting bone, and minimizes shortening of the metatarsal. . The result gives you lasting relief from bunions.

What happens after a LAPIPLASTY® procedure?

You should expect some healing time after your treatment. In 6-8 weeks, you’ll be able to wear comfortable shoes again. You’ll be able to get back to all of your normal activities in 4- 6 months.

If you’ve struggled with bunions and want a lasting solution for healthy, attractive feet, call or schedule a consultation online with Katz Regenerative Foot & Ankle, LLC.



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